Saturday, December 7, 2019

Low Self Esteem Essay Example For Students

Low Self Esteem Essay Languages, colors, cultures and also the way one behaves may differ from one nation to another. Yet, each and every one of us living on the surface of this planet have several things in common. One of these similarities is that we all have a way of regarding our own self. It is believed that a large amount of individuals feel very good about themselves. Nevertheless, from time to time even the best of us get a dose of negative emotions. Very heartbreaking stories about self dislike were told by many depressed teenagers and older people. What are the causes of this kind of Low Self Esteem Essay and how can one person get solutions to outcome them? Self Esteem is defined as confidence in your own merit as an individual#. Such concepts as self-esteem and self-image have been regarded by some social psychologists as useful, while others have regarded them as unnecessary. There is a considerable amount of research on such topics but it would be very difficult to find the exact definition because volumes have been written about self esteem. Definitions given in self esteem literature run a yard long. But after cutting through all the scientific words, the question of self-esteem really centers down to something quite simple: How do a person feels about his/herself? If the person feels good about him/herself, they have a high self-esteem. If they feel bad about him/herself, they have a low self esteem. Since low self esteem is a worst problem than the higher one, lets examine it to find some solution by investigating a number of low self esteem causes and personal cases. Individuals with truly high self esteem feel good about themselves and continue believing in themselves regardless of what others think of them. Some people feel good about themselves only as long as others support them and approve them. The moment another person criticizes them, or withdraws her or his support from them, they not only feel bad about themselves, they may even hate themselves. That would be the first step into low self-esteem. When a person acts like that, life can be hurtful for most of the time and they might find themselves at the mercy of others. When these kind of persons dont have the emotional freedom and independence from the criticism and approval of others, their choice of action is limited. There may be options far superior and promising but they may be too apprehensive to choose them because they primarily depend too much on other peoples immediate approval. Thinking that it would be impossible for them to do things right they end-up being incapable to do things accurately. People who are unsure of themselves have trouble sustaining their relationships because their feelings get easily hurt. They are too quick to read insult and ridicule in the innocent remarks of others. Since they feel insulted, hurt, embarrassed, and ashamed without due cause, their reactions baffle and pushes others away. They ride an emotional roller coaster and some of them resort to alcohol and drugs.# This problem occurs most likely among teenagers or older young people. This is due because of the limitations that might frustrate them. They are growing up, and often there is a period of awkwardness in which dropping things or bumping into them is a daily embarrassment. Then, too, they simply dont have an adults experience in bouncing back from disappointments. And because their perceptive powers havent been sufficiently trained through use, they may not always make the wisest decisions.# At times they may feel that they cant do anything right. Amelia Earhart (898 words) EssayFailure to meet ones parents expectations can be another cause of low self-esteem. If I make an A minus in school, one youth says, my folks want to know why it wasnt an A and forget about appreciating my hard work. After that they even start comparing me unfairly with my older brother. Such kind of unjust comparisons are a good reason for a teenager to develop a low self-esteem. At this level a youth should try to develop a better self-respect. But how is this possible? First, teens should take an honest look at their assets and liabilities. This should also include an investigation .

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